
Job Opening
Choir Director

The Job:
Lake Shore Church is hiring a Choir Director to lead a weekly anthem. The Choir Director is responsible for running a mid-week practice (currently on Thursday nights) and for directing the choir during Sunday morning worship. This position would start September 5th, 2024.

The Employer:
Lake Shore Church is located in St. Clair Shores, MI. We are a Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) of approximately 300 members. The congregation is know for worship in both traditional (9am) and modern (10:45am) styles.

The Choir:
The choir is part of our traditional worship (9am) and consists of approximately 8-10 singers. The choir typically sings 3-parts (soprano, alto, and tenor). When choir volunteers are able, the choir will sing 4-parts. We are an amateur choir that remains open to all who want to sing. Anthems come from a variety of musical styles and typically remain accessible to those without any formal music training.

The position is supported and supervised by the associate pastor. A paid accompanist is available if needed. The right candidate will recieve support from the choir and appreciation from the church. Our church boasts a large library of choral music and money is available for the purchase of music.

$100 per anthem/week. The choir takes summer off.